Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Die Polymesse bietet Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, während drei Tagen mit über 10'000 Studierenden, sowie mehr als 2'000 Doktorierenden und jährlich mehr als 1'000 Absolventinnen und Absolventen der ETH Zürich in Kontakt zu treten.
Mit deutlich über 100 teilnehmenden Firmen zählt die Polymesse zu den grössten Recruiting - Veranstaltungen der Schweiz.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Die Polymesse bietet Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, während drei Tagen mit über 10'000 Studierenden, sowie mehr als 2'000 Doktorierenden und jährlich mehr als 1'000 Absolventinnen und Absolventen der ETH Zürich in Kontakt zu treten.
Mit deutlich über 100 teilnehmenden Firmen zählt die Polymesse zu den grössten Recruiting - Veranstaltungen der Schweiz.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Die Polymesse bietet Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, während drei Tagen mit über 10'000 Studierenden, sowie mehr als 2'000 Doktorierenden und jährlich mehr als 1'000 Absolventinnen und Absolventen der ETH Zürich in Kontakt zu treten.
Mit deutlich über 100 teilnehmenden Firmen zählt die Polymesse zu den grössten Recruiting - Veranstaltungen der Schweiz.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Die Polymesse bietet Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, während drei Tagen mit über 10'000 Studierenden, sowie mehr als 2'000 Doktorierenden und jährlich mehr als 1'000 Absolventinnen und Absolventen der ETH Zürich in Kontakt zu treten.
Mit deutlich über 100 teilnehmenden Firmen zählt die Polymesse zu den grössten Recruiting - Veranstaltungen der Schweiz.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.
Since 2011, the HSG TALENTS Banking Days are officially affiliated with the HSG TALENTS Conference. With 16 participating firms in 2011, the number of companies was slightly below the mean of the past years. In contradistinction to this, a new record was achieved in the number of participating students, surpassing 400 inscriptions.